5 Enjoyable Benefits to Buying Art Online
Do art galleries intimidate you? Do you feel like you’ll be pressured to buy something when you don’t even know what you like?
Do you feel confused about the jargon used to describe art, or worried about pricing (which some galleries don’t post)?
Do you wonder which galleries even carry art you like?
Well, times have changed! Art galleries are definitely one option for buying artwork, and I have my art in some wonderful galleries.
But buying art online, directly from the artist, is a very easy and enjoyable option.
5 Benefits to Buying Art Online
1. Social media makes it easy to find art you love.
From Instagram, Pinterest, or Facebook, you can find artwork from the comfort of your home, simply by following an artist whose art you love.
When you find a piece that captures your interest, you can message the artist to ask questions, and even have a virtual studio visit (which I offer) – without stepping into a commercial gallery.
You can find my art on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. Please follow me and connect!
Did you know? On my website and social media you can easily see the artwork in different room settings, which can give you ideas for creating a beautiful space in your home. You can also send me a photo of your own room and I can upload a painting to show you how it looks!
2. Get to know the artist at your own pace.
If you find an artist whose work resonates with you, you can check out her website and testimonials from happy collectors.
You can read about each painting on her website, and learn about her inspiration for the work and how this painting came to be.
You can sign up for her newsletter, read her blog, and check her social media posts. After a while, you feel like you know her personally.
Did you know? If you’re not already on my newsletter list, you can sign up below.
3. Pricing is transparent and friendly.
Many galleries don’t show the prices of the artwork, so you have to ask. This can be intimidating. You may fall in love with a piece and then find out it’s more than you intended to spend.
Most artists show the price of their artwork, so you know immediately if it’s within your range.
Did you know? I offer a payment plan. If there is a piece you love, we can discuss payments to make it work for you. Find out more here.
Form a deeper connection with the artist
Starting online, you can get to know the artist on Zoom, by phone, or even meet somewhere in person!
In this photo, I met a client at the art supply store, where I had a display - which you can see in the background.
She lives in another city, but was planning a visit to Montreal and messaged me beforehand to see if we could meet, which we did!
4. Form a personal connection with the artist.
Sometimes when we buy art, we are really seeking a connection to something deeper, especially a connection to the person who created the art.
If you find the artist online, that’s the beginning of the connection. An email or social media message can lead to a phone call, Zoom studio visit, or studio visit in person.
When you buy original art, you are forever connected because every time you look at the art, you are standing in the exact spot that the artist stood to create it (which you can’t say about an IKEA poster!).
Did you know? You can email or message me at any time. I always love to get questions, and love to get to know you.
Christy Kale has bought 3 of my paintings online. We never met in person, but we are connected forever in our hearts!
5. Easy and dedicated customer care and delivery.
There's no longer any need to leave the house. By purchasing online, your artwork will be packed carefully and delivered safely right to your door.
I take personal care to create an enjoyable and easy experience for you.
Did you know? Shipping to Canada and Continental USA is included in my pricing, so there are no added costs to the price you see on a painting.
What do you think? Is buying art online an option you’d consider, or do you prefer to go to a gallery? Please email to let me know. I always love to hear from you!