The Brutal Truth About AI Art
AI (artificial intelligence) is in the news constantly, with raves about how it will help us, and fears about how it can be used for surveillance, and more. Like any tool, AI has the capacity to be used for good or evil.
What about AI art? I’m considering putting up a shop on Etsy, the marketplace for original, hand-made products. Or is it? In the past few years, Etsy has been taken over by AI and POD (print on demand) companies. This means that anyone, with no artistic talent or even interest, can use AI to create a design (example AI prompt: paint a watercolor landscape of the southwest), and create a downloadable print.
This has spun a whole industry of “coaches” who help people create this AI art.
But is it art? And does anyone care?
As an artist, I put my heart and soul into every painting I create. Not all of them turn out, but that’s not the point. The entire process of creating art has a meaning, both to the artist and the viewer.
To me, art should speak directly to you, from one living being to another. It should inspire an emotion, whether that’s joy or wonder, or even anger (with political art). Original art has a super-power to enhance your life, because it connects you to the energy of another human being – the artist.
AI art can only go so far.
It can only recreate something that has been done before.
AI art has no imagination to create something totally new, unless the AI creator has creativity - but most don’t bother. They take an AI design, slap it on a mug, t-shirt or downloadable print, and put it up for sale.
It may be a pretty picture on the wall or on a tote bag, and that might be enough for you. But it can’t bring you the emotions, thoughts and intentions of the person who created it.
What do you think? Would you rather pay $5 to $10 to download an AI art print, or a little more to have a print made from an original piece of artwork?
I’d love to know your thoughts. Please post below.